Sexuality is a symbolic social construction, made from the reality of people: sexed beings in a determined society. As such it is a constitutive dimension of the human being: biological, psychological, cultural, historical and ethical that compromises its emotional, behavioral, cognitive and communicative aspects both for its development in the individual plane as in the social being. This last aspect emphasizes the relational nature of sexuality as something that is both personalizing and humanizing, since it recognizes the importance for human beings to establish relationships with others in different degrees of intimacy, psychological and physical.
To facilitate the study of this understanding and the study of this symbolic construction, it is possible to identify its structural elements as the primordial sexual components and functions.

Components of sexuality:
- Gender identity: Equality is defined as the same, the unity and persistence of one's own individuality as a woman or ambivalent man to a greater or lesser degree. According to this, gender identity refers to the deep feeling of a person of equality, unity and persistence as a man, woman or ambivalent, through time and in spite of physical or psychic changes, the issue of gender identity invites to talk about subjectivity thus implying the possibilities of variation and dynamism of the people in their self concept as man and women.
It is necessary to distinguish between gender identity and sexual identity, the latter associated with the awareness of the identity associated with the set of biological, morphological, genetic and physiological characteristics that characterize a person as a man and a woman.
The sexual identity is conceived by the biological sex chromosome XX, XY or the various variations possible by the presence or absence of the genetic sequence necessary for the sexual differentiation, in this way the sexual identity would correspond to the psychobiological identity of the same sex and the one of I generate the awareness of the psychosocial and cultural identity of the role played by men and women in society.

- Cultural Behaviors of Gender: People construct sexually and culturally appropriate the roles of men, women and by extension of the traits of masculinity and femininity so that to emphasize their changing character we can speak of cultural behaviors of gender that refers to the gestures and behaviors associated with each other that even when attributed more to one than to another. Thus gender roles are very much determined by cultural patterns that are transmitted and modified from one generation to another.

- Sexual Orientation: It is defined as the manifestation of erotic sex attraction and affective sex. It covers all possible variations between the orientation towards persons of the opposite sex, of the same sex, or of both sexes.

Components of sexuality.
1. Relational communication: Multiple ways of expressing the ways of feeling, thinking, and doing in relation to sexuality that facilitate the development of cognitive, emotional and communicative processes in human relationships.

2. Reproductive: It is understood as the human possibility of producing individuals largely similar to producers.

3. Erotic: The pleasurable component of the corporal experiences in which the processes of activation of genital and corporal responses occur. Many of these are in fact distant from the genitals in the central nervous system.

4. Affective: Human ability to develop intense affections in the presence or absence of availability or unavailability of another specific human being, as well as the mental, individual and social constructs that derive from them.