The word humanity, human being, and person refers to the egalitarian character of all subjects of the human race, regardless of time and place. This equality is based on the dignity of each and every one of the members of gender. Dignity is the foundation for a universal conception of human rights and can be understood in three interrelated global aspects.
- To live as one wants: The dignity understood as the autonomy or the possibility of designing a plan of life of its own.
- Living well: To have certain material and social conditions of existence.
- To live without humiliations: To be able to have physical and moral integrity.
This conception of the human being proclaims equal rights for all people, considering their identities and differences. The right to difference is essential so that the identity of all is a true and certain reality. This notion of being human is based on the priority satisfaction of all the rights of the person including the sexual and reproductive essential for the enjoyment of a dignified life and the free development of the personality.